Taking a breath

Out last show of the year was last night. Now our exhausted imps can rest up for Christmas, and think about all the things they did at the social. Monday marked the debut of our new imps, in a packed sell-out show. The latest bunch are genuinely fantastic, and probably could have hit the stage on the night of their audition, but we always insist they go through almost two months of training before they can don the black-and-red top.

Stage imps aren't the whole equation, of course. Music is an absoutely integral to improv, so it's great to welcome Tom 'Salsa' Hodge as our latest pianist. Welcome, also, to Jenni Cutting, who aside from helping at front of house has volunteered to produce our Edinburgh show next year.

It's worth saying that the show wouldn't happen without our dedicated band of production imps (pimps), who are full members of our company and the secret to our success. We're always looking for capable and enthusiastic folks willing to help out with our regular show or on special projects - email turner@oxfordimps.com if you're interested.

Lastly - The Secret Policeman's ball yesterday, along with the UNICEF gig in November (see the previous post), was a lovely chance to mix with other members of the Oxford comedy scene. So it's great to confirm that we're sharing a dressing room with the Oxford Revue in the New Year, with shows running during the same week at the Burton Taylor theatre. We've got a really exciting format to try out, and look forward to seeing you there!